上海419论坛,上海龙凤花千坊,夜上海论坛,上海品茶工作室 喝茶品茶联系方式 Zuo Chaoyang listened carefully to the movement in the wall and recruited one hand.

Zuo Chaoyang listened carefully to the movement in the wall and recruited one hand.

So he flashed an image behind a tree two feet away.
The image is like a ghost, with neither feet touching the ground, and it is like being blown by the wind and coming to the left Chaoyang.
Zuo Chaoyang whispered, "Follow me and don’t kill anyone without my order."
The image gave a low hum, similar to that of a wild animal.
Be a response.
Then Zuo Chaoyang was lithe and swept over the high wall of Xiangfu.
The image also flew into the wall.
Someone patrolled Zuo Chaoyang around the stable and killed those people separately. The image has been like Zuo Chaoyang’s shadow behind him.
Xiang Fu Terrain, House Layout Zuo Chaoyang has learned by heart. He went through the stable and went to the roof.
Behind him is the mysterious image.
The other party is really like a ghost
Zuo Chaoyang said, "There are two secret sentries on the roof of the front garden to monitor the people next to this area in turn. There are also people in the kitchen. I will solve the kitchen and you will kill the roof of the garden …"
The image disappeared before Zuo Chaoyang’s voice fell.
Zuo Chaoyang solved the kitchen secret whistle and went to a roof in the garden.
Two secret posts on the roof have become dead, and they still remain in their original position.
In this way, Zuo Chaoyang carefully dived into the Xiangfuzhai area with his own shadow and static magic.
Two people also killed more than 10 people in the passing place.
Although xiangfu is heavily guarded and soldiers are constantly patrolling the night and holding the dog, they are not exposed because of their high martial arts and the powder used to deal with hounds.
Zuo Chaoyang dived into the roof of a courtyard again
Lu Xiang will rest in this seemingly inconspicuous courtyard tonight because he has a clue.
The moonlight is dim at the moment.
In the moonlight courtyard, flowers and plants are scattered and scattered into the courtyard and walls.
There were several guards in the courtyard, and three of them stood still.
The other two walked back and forth gently.
Take a look at the DPRK from time to time.
Be highly vigilant
There is a light in a room in the main room.
The window reflected a figure.
What do you drink from time to time?
At this moment, Zuo Chaoyang heard one guard whispering to another, "It’s really good for Xiang Ye to drink alone and not sleep so late."
Another way: "Master Xiang is happy today …"
Zuo Chaoyang understood that the figure in the room was Lu Xiangye.
Zuo Chaoyang wanted to assassinate Master Lu Xiang while he was asleep, but he didn’t think that Lu Xiang was still asleep.
Zuo Chaoyang and the image behind him spent a meal on the roof, trying to wait for Lu Xiang to turn off the lights and rest, but Lu Xiang still didn’t sleep.
I really don’t know when Lu Xiang will fall asleep tonight
Zuo Chaoyang knows that he can’t wait.
If the patrol finds the murdered sentry, it will be in trouble.
Zuo Chaoyang turned his head to enter the secret kung fu and "imaged" the people behind him. "I’ll deal with the five people in the courtyard and leave them to you by the rockery."
The image disappeared in a flash …
The man who drinks alone in the house is Master Lu Xiang.
Today, I got revenge for killing Dali Temple Qing Lu Ba, and I learned from Dali Temple Qing that I was in a good mood to track down the "Lujia" scene for so many years.
Because he’s not exposed at all
When Maehara is in a good mood, he will let Lu Ba accompany him to drink.
Lu Xiang can tell things before Lu Ba.
Sometimes two people talk and drink for one night.
Now that Lu Ba is dead, there is nothing to drink with him and he can’t talk to people.
Because in addition to the elder brother Lu Ba, several large xiangfu people know that he is the queen of Lu Zheng.
Even his wife doesn’t know.
He has never been exposed in all these years.
Lu Xiang drank another cup and then took two sips of bitter tea from the bowl.
He’s already a little drunk.
Lu Xiang poured himself another glass, and then he took the glass to his mouth. Just as the glass reached his mouth, Lu Xiang suddenly stopped his head and stared at the door outside.
Chapter one hundred and seventy Emergency Shisidong (1)
Because Lu Xiang was drinking alone and didn’t sleep, there was always a loyal servant waiting for him for many years in the outer room. If Lu Xiang asked him to add more wine and tea, the servant would come in to wait on him.
The servant likes to eat melons, and he has been eating melons since he waited outside the house.
Although there is a door, Lu Xiangxiu’s servant can clearly smell the melon.
At this moment, the melon-eating stopped and the old servant could not be heard again, which made the cautious habit that has been formed alert.
Lu Xiang slowly got up and said to the outside, "Laohan will give me some more tea."
So the door suddenly and
The glass of wine in the hand of the door is also shot at the door.
Appear at the door is masked Zuo Chaoyang.
Zuo Chaoyang and the static demon killed the guard in the courtyard, so Zuo Chaoyang sneaked into the outhouse and killed the melon-eating old servant quietly.

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