"Xiao Nuo, right? Thank you for coming to help at this time."

"You’re welcome, captain. I usually lack practical experience in research.
The lady wants me to follow you to exercise this time. "
Come here to exercise? Bai Jing is a little confused.
Does your wife have confidence in this little girl’s strength or do you want her to die this time?
"Xiao Nuo is already a level 3 warlock at such a young age."
"It’s okay. It’s okay."
Two people greet and walked into the captain’s office.
This GuJianuo also didn’t look at Xu Le, but Xu Le’s doubts didn’t decrease at all.
"I’m going to the bathroom."
Xu Le came to Gan’s office under the excuse of toilet.
"Is this Gu Jianuo sent to inspect me?"
When drawing cards, the hazy feeling appears. Xu Le has already expected this card
[Black Card-Forest]
Law out of the local fog dilemma
Put the card back, and Xu Le mobilized a psychic energy to perform divination again.
It’s still the same question just now
"This GuJianNuo was sent to visit me?
Operation-all-ancient sounds and many secret words "
This time, the injection of psionics made the hazy feeling of the operation shrouded in the unknown gradually broken
And this time Xu Le got the card.
[Red Card-Angel]
Heads must be right. Good. Agree.
He didn’t stop mobilizing psionic powers to continue divination again and again.
"Is Gu Jianuo malicious to me?"
[Red Card-Heart]
Deny the bloody lessons of mistakes
"Is Gu Jianuo malicious to Team 6 of Night Watch in Area B?"
[Red Card-Heart]
"Will Gu Jianuo try his best to help Team 6?"
[Red Card-Angel]
When Xu Le saw this, he was much less alert, but he was still alert.
Although this Gu Jianuo meant no harm, she did come to observe herself.
You should have Luo Juya.
In the future, this Gu Jianuo should try his best to contact himself and observe his ability to give Luo Juya.
Xu Le thoughtfully for a while and pulled out a card.
"The developer …"
"Xu Le stopped. I felt many psionic fluctuations. A level 1 warlock should not be overdrawn like this."
Walking in suddenly interrupted Xu Le’s divination and made Xu Le feel a little ashamed.
He put the card back, but he stole a look before putting it back.
[Black Card-Black Sheep Girl]
Death, darkness, impending disaster
See this result Xu Le heart slightly tight.
Slightly confused thoughts made him not even catch a few words.
"Xu Le, are you okay? You don’t look very well. "
"I’m fine, Mr. Gan. I’m sorry I was distracted just now."
Xu Le replied that Gan didn’t believe that he looked at Xu Le and patted him on the shoulder.
"Are you worried about something?"
"ah? Is a little worried. "
"Have you divined this time?"
Hear so ask Xu Le also slightly raised his head.
"Don’t Mr. Gan want to know?"
"Of course I want to know that the divination of a Red Crescent warlock’s former team is also my job."
Gan answered that Xu Le was surprised that Mr. Gan also knew divination?
He doesn’t look worried at all. Is his divination good?
I think so. I’m just a first-class vegetable chicken, and Mr. Gan is already a senior second-class red crescent warlock
His divination results are probably more accurate than mine. It must be so.
"What is the result of teacher Gan’s divination?"
Xu Le’s eyes showed hope, but he said with a little affection.
"Is a black sheep girl is really a bad result, and you? What was your result? "
"The same black sheep girl"
Xu Le’s expression became a little gloomy. It seems that the result will be very bad this time.

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